Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Day Our Republic Died

 December 11, 2020, the last day of my 57th year on this earth saw the demise of our majestic republic. 

God is in control of all events in history, and clearly His Will has allowed or mandated that America fall away as other empires have in history.  This makes way for prophecies long ago committed to our Scriptures and is not a surprise to many of us that saw the inevitable slide into tyranny that all nations eventually succumb to.  

It is ironic, considering the brains, brawn and bravery that it took to build and defend this great and good nation for so many generations that now our institutions simply lay down and die for lack of courage and integrity.  Elections do matter, if they happen at all; but I wonder if all along if the act of voting has just been "theater" to keep a sedated and disinterested populace "busy" so that the oligarchy can go about their business of enriching themselves without interference.  Now we will inaugurate evil people committed to funding child sacrifice and promoting immorality as public policy even as we go bankrupt as a society and as an economy.  Truly much of society will be playing the fiddle as "Rome" burns to the ground. 

The church owns the primary fault of this trend, becoming adaptable to the increasingly evil culture rather than refusing to conform and being salt and light to the world.  Many in the so called church are happy with the outcome of this exercise that was advertised as an election, but they may be shocked to find out what they bought and paid for with their willing ignorance as low information voters.   

I cannot in good conscience ask God to bless America until our church wakes up and fulfills its commission, and society at large repents and confesses of its sloth, greed, evil deeds and blasphemy of the Holy God that gives us breath and life.  What is coming in the near future will probably shock most people who assume we "own" God's favor regardless of our deeds.  We most definitely deserve what is coming (and that frightens me a bit).  I hope God continues to guide and protect those who are His but I believe the tribulation that has touched much of the world will be coming here soon - and we will be affected by the collapse of our society in ways we cannot even imagine yet.  We will all be asked to give an accounting some day, so my prayer for us all is that we stand worthy to be named by Christ to His Father.

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