Sunday, May 19, 2013

If I Could Have a Spiritual Council

Many people have taught and influenced my life and my spiritual growth.  Some I don't even realize had a profound influence on the direction of my life; others I've forgotten and that is my loss.   But as a mental exercise for fun, if you could have a set of councilors you could Skype with every week, who would it be?  If you could name them, who are the 10 most influential people in your life?  

Here is my list - for now.  Holding it to 10 was difficult, but even if I do this list again in five years, or if I suddenly remembered those from my childhood and teen years, these 10 men would still all be in the top 20.  And I'm not doing the obvious ones:  My mother, my father, my wife.  This is a list of those who managed to have a profound influence on my life even though I've only met two of them in person.   There are also dozens and dozens of honorable mentions - YouTube content providers, authors, teachers, pastors.  However this list includes people you can readily find on social media or have books for sale*

My spiritual "cabinet" or "board of directors":

R. C. Sproul
John Lennox
Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Greg Koukl
William Lane Craig
Hugh Ross
Stephen Meyer
Chuck Missler
Michael Heiser
J D Farag

Sadly several of these men have already passed on to their final reward.  

*And yes, it is notable there are no women in my list -- I already have a council of several women that advise me, but they are not publicly known, and I respect their privacy.

Who would you name?

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