Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Perplexing Problem of Suffering and Evil

When faced with the problem of Suffering and Evil we are left with three basic philosophical explanations for our circumstances:

1 - Pantheists philosophy - affirms God but denies evil exists
2 - Atheist philosophy - affirm evil exists but deny God's existence
3 - Theist philosophy - affirm both God and evil exist in reality

Why does an all-knowing, all-loving God permit evil?

  • Evil is real, but 'it' is not a 'thing', it is the absence or corruption of a good thing.
  • God did not create evil, but created the conditions of evil to occur by allow sentient beings to choose to not obey - to experience the "absence" of God's holiness and grace.

The Origin of Evil

  • The premise that a perfect creature with free will cannot do evil is false.
  • Free will makes evil possible because it is the power to not choose good.
  • God made a class of beings (human, and angels) who could choose not to do good (all people, since we are fallen, cannot even choose to do good without God's intervention through the Holy Spirit)
  • Evil can occur when a free will creature chooses the finite good of the creature over the infinite good of Creator.

False Arguments About God and Evil

Often atheist objections to God come in the form of Euthyphro's Dilemma, which states:
  • If God were "all" good, He would want to defeat all evil and suffering
  • If God were "all" powerful, He would defeat evil and suffering
  • Yet evil and suffering exist
  • Therefore God is either unwilling or unable to end evil and suffering and so He does not meet the requirements to be God
    But the first two assertions make unspoken assumptions
    • It is logical that God may allow evil and suffering for a period of time to achieve a greater good in order to glorify Himself and fulfill His purposes (which we don't fully understand) 
    • It is also promised in scripture that God will in fact achieve this purpose and separate good from evil
    Colossians 2:14-15 He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; he triumphed over them in him.  CSB 2017
    So, it appears evil and suffering, for the time being, have a purpose.

    Evil Has a Purpose?

    • An all-good, all-knowing God has a good purpose for everything
    • God knows the end of all things. Deuteronomy 29:29 and Romans 11:33
    Suffering can serve a good purpose:
    • Our 'disappointments' may be God's 'appointments' to accomplish something in us or through us for His glory.
    • God's discipline of our sins shows us He loves us, and is in the process of perfecting us in the likeness of Christ.

    Suffering and Free Will Thought Experiment

    Let's do a thought experiment to test out what we know about suffering and evil in our own life experiences.  Since we are beings made in God's image, we have some limited level of Free Will.  Now, atheists (materialist determinism) will tell you we have no free will any more than molecules of dead matter.  However, materialists are right, any discussion about Good, Evil, Suffering etc. is moot. 

    For those, who of their own accord, believe Free Will exists at some level for sentient beings like humans, let us examine what life might look like if all evil and suffering never existed.
    • Free Will would be impossible because you would be "unable" to make choices that potentially had negative consequences.
    • To remove all sources of suffering removes all choices 

    Life Without Pain or Danger

    Let's at least remove all physical dangers and negative consequences then:
    • no scissors, cars, bicycles, machinery and dangerous jobs - you might get hurt
    • no sickness, no discomfort, and no pain would eliminate the ability to feel great, enjoy physical activities, enjoy endorphins after a hard run...  A very bland life.
    • No one can ever be a hero, as there is no need to ever rescue anyone, heal anyone or protect anyone.  Therefore there is no such thing as bravery.

      Life Without Sorrow or Anger

      OK let's set aside physical harms resulting in us living in padded cells, and remove emotional harms.  What would that world look like?
      • no dating, no romance, no friendships (because inevitably you might be disappointed or emotionally hurt).  This means you can never forgive, reconcile or have learn from relationship mistakes.
      • no families are allowed for reasons above.  You can't raise a child because their may be conflict and the need for discipline, and the emotional toll of parenting that comes with it.  Kids would be upset with siblings and parents so they can learn to live with one another.  
      • no opinions about anything, because someone might disagree with you causing you and them distress.
      • all possibilities to emotionally hurt someone else will be removed from your life, eliminating the possibility of jealousy, competition, ambition to do better than others, demanding justice or learning from others who have a different opinion (and they may be right)
      You will basically have to be in a coma, floating in fluid, with nothing but happy thoughts transmitted into your brain resulting in a euphoria.  You are useless, helpless, and frankly, hopeless in this state.  No one else cares about you because they would have to be in the same situation, unaware of their surroundings or your existence.

      The Purpose of Pain Is a Greater Good

      If you allow anything to cause pain, you must account for 'evil' since they derive from the freedom to choose and accept consequences.
      • Any discussion of suffering and evil must account for potential and actual good that comes from it. Romans 8:28
      • The rewards for suffering for the right reasons outweigh pain

      Christ is Glorified

      To share in Christ's glory, you must share in His sufferings
      • Faith must be tested to be true and of value
      • We are in training to inherit a new world and need wisdom
      • To appreciate our eternal future, we will remember our past sufferings. God will wipe away our tears but not memories.
      • God's ultimate goal for us is not to be “happy” now, but forever.
      Scripture citations are from:  Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) © 2009 Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville TN or New King James Version®. (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson

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