Friday, April 12, 2013

Spiritual Preparation - An Analogy

Always be prepared.... This inspirational story is a beautiful analogy that reminds us to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you (1 Peter 3:15).   This story happens to be true -- the author personally witnessed this.  It's a wonderful  proverb explaining why we need to "stay" prepared....and preparation helps us make the most out of opportunity when it arises. 

In this case, opportunity came at the VERY END.

I watched an amazing football game a few years ago that had a number of spiritual lessons in it.  The Pittsburgh Steelers were playing, and the team had just lost five in a row, and in this game were up against a much better team (the Patriots as I remember). But the Steelers fought and clawed their way to a 2 point lead with less than 3 minutes left in the game.  Then they made a fatal mistake, fumbling a recovered onside kick.  The Patriots scored a touchdown the very next play. They were crushed; having played 59 minutes and 20 seconds of heart wrenching effort only to see themselves denied the opportunity to win.  They would leave this game with six losses in a row and be out of the running for the playoffs.

But the coach rallied his players, and sent the offense out on the field one last time for the night. They had time for just 3 plays and no time outs left.  The quarterback called three plays in the huddle - something that is very unusual. Later in interviews, the quarterback, who had been sacked relentlessly throughout the game, told how he exhorted the linemen to give him everything they had for the next 26 seconds.  He asked them to leave everything on the field. Well, I couldn't believe what I witnessed next, except they showed the instant replay of the next series of events at least four times - even the announcers were astonished at what happened.

The offense ran those three plays in a row without a huddle - and each pass was completed with a miracle catch.  On the third and last play, with 0 seconds on the clock, a receiver caught his ONLY pass all day –  in the end zone. Talk about perseverance – and he had dropped several critical passes throughout the game.

The kicker, who had pretty much put on his jacket and was ready to leave the field suddenly found himself at the center of the critical situation.  You see, he had to make the extra point kick to win the game. An obscure football rule allows a team to kick the extra point after a touchdown even if time has expired. So, with time ALREADY expired, this player, who moments before heading to the locker room, is given the opportunity to win the game. Fortunately he was prepared for the challenge, kicked the ball through the uprights, and won the game.

The moral of this story?  Don't give up...ever.  Everyone thought they had lost. The team was out of options.  They had faced heartbreaking setbacks all day.  They were nearly out of time and exhausted.  But....they didn't give up, even when it looked like they had no chance to win.  

God gives us chances even when we think ALL of our options are gone and our time has run out.  Even when you think there is NO WAY OUT, and you can't cope and you can't overcome and you can't deal with everything, remember, God is NEVER out of options.  You just have to be willing to finish the race, play to the end, even when you think the clock has expired!   He has a plan for you that is so amazing, and there is a "happily ever after" ending better than any suspense novel ever written waiting for you.  So what do you have to lose?

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